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The Agate Mapping Project was designed to crowd source where Lake Superior Agates are being found, what type of Lake Superior Agates are being found, and what color Lake Superior Agates are being found. That crowd sourced information is then displayed with the help of current web technology in a safe yet informative way for the Mapping Project participants. This is a free website. Google does charge me usage fees for using their API, but those should remain negligible given how many people will be participating in the mapping project.


Agates are plotted via standard centroid zip codes. Each zip code has a geocode (gps coordinates) associated with it. The exact coordinates of where an agate was found cannot be plotted. In an effort to be fair to agate hunters and land owners these general coordinates (centroid zip codes) give us a general understanding of where agates are found.

In addition to agates being plotted at general locations, all data displayed on the agate maps will be converted to express the range of where the agates are found and not the density of agates found per location.


Agate type information will not be perfect. The agate type is plotted by which ever agate type appears to be predominate. Agates often have more than one type associated with them (moss/tube, eye/fortification, paint/fortification). For the sake of simplicity, and usability agate type information will be general. When in doubt go by feel. For the agate below, I would call that fortification, but it is a tough call.


Agate color information will not be perfect. The agate color is plotted by which ever agate type appears to be predominate. Agates often have more than one type of color associated with them. For the sake of simplicity, and usability agate color information will be general. When in doubt go by feel. For the agate below, I would call that Blue, but it is a tough call.

Coming Soon:

In the future, with more and more crowd source data collected more agate maps will be available. For example, if there is enough data available maps can be made for just one type of agate(i.e. Skip an Atom Map), or one type of color (only Blue Lakers).

Agates you have plotted: